Saturday, July 12, 2014

Two More Beach Days

Let's go fly a kite
Yesterday we went to go shoe shopping. It was the most boring thing ever and it was much too hot to be out. After what seemed like a million years we finally bought some shoes and went home. Later we went to the beach. We went a little bit further then usual and went to an area where there was some snorkelling. It was so muddy and there weren't many fish but I saw one so the extra walk was worth it. We also built a track in the sand to roll our tennis ball through. It was a pity I forgot my kite because it was very windy.

Today we went out again to see if we could find a juicing machine and after not finding one we went to go do some shopping for groceries. Next we had some ice cream while we were walking home. The ice cream was very thick. Also the flavours were really tasty. Later after staying in the house for the rest of the morning we went out again in the afternoon to go to the beach. I brought my kite and managed to get it to fly really high. Dad tried building a sea fort again but it barely got attacked. I kept telling him if no conflict takes place then you don't really win the battle but he thinks it's not true.

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